컨텐츠 시작



제출번호(No.) 0482
분류(Section) Poster Session
분과(Session) Probability / Stochastic Process / Statistics (SS-12)
[CANCELLED] Two levels model based on ARIMAX and Regression method for forecasting retail sales data with holiday effects
Suhartono1, Muhammad Hisyam Lee2
Department of Statistics, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia1, Department of Mathematics, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia2
초록본문(Abstract) The objective of this research is to propose a calendar variation model for forecasting retail sales data with holiday effect, namely the Eid ul-Fitr effect. The proposed model was developed based on two methods, namely ARIMAX and regression methods. This two levels model was built by using ARIMAX for the first level and regression for the second level. Monthly men’s jeans and women's trousers sales in a retail company were used as case study. In general, two levels of calendar variation model yielded two models, namely the first model to reconstruct the sales pattern that already occurred, and the second model to forecast the effect of increasing sales due to Eid ul-Fitr that affected sales at the same and the previous months. The results of forecast accuracy comparison showed that the proposed two level calendar variation model yielded better forecast compared to the seasonal ARIMA model and Neural Networks.
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키워드(Keyword(s)) two levels, ARIMAX, regression, calendar effect, holiday
강연 형태
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