컨텐츠 시작



제출번호(No.) 0496
분류(Section) Contributed Talk
분과(Session) Algebra / Representation Theory / Lie Theory (SS-02)
Semi-involutory matrices and signed self-inverses
Gi-Sang Cheon1, Hana Kim1, Yongdo Lim1
Sungkyunkwan University1
초록본문(Abstract) A nonsingular matrix $A$ of order $n$ over the real field is said to be semi-involutory if there exist nonsingular diagonal matrices $D$ and $D'$ such that $A^{-1}=DAD'$. In particular, if every diagonal entry of $D$ and $D'$ is either $+1$ or $-1$ then $A$ is said to be signed semi-involutory. In this talk, we explore several properties of (signed) semi-involutory matrices, and provide various classes of signed semi-involutory matrices. Additionally, we introduce the concept of the signed self-inverse which includes a signed semi-involutory matrix, and some conjectures concerning the signed self-inverses.
(MSC number(s))
15A09, 15B35
키워드(Keyword(s)) involutory matrix, signed self-inverse
강연 형태
(Language of Session (Talk))