컨텐츠 시작



제출번호(No.) 0499
분류(Section) Invited Talk
분과(Session) Algebra / Representation Theory / Lie Theory (SS-02)
Tannaka duality over discrete valuation rings and applications
Phung Ho Hai1, Nguyen Dai Duong1
Institute of Mathematics, Hanoi1
초록본문(Abstract) In this talk we discuss a generalization of the classical Tannaka duality to the case of flat schemes over a discrete valuation ring. Developing the work of T. Wedhorn and a result of Saavedra, we provide a categorical condition for a category to be the representation category of a flat affine group scheme over a discrete valuation ring. Some applications to an exact sequence of group scheme homomorphisms and to the fundamental groups schemes are discussed.
(MSC number(s))
14L15, 20G05
키워드(Keyword(s)) Tannaka duality, Straified fundamental group scheme
강연 형태
(Language of Session (Talk))