컨텐츠 시작



제출번호(No.) 0523
분류(Section) Poster Session
분과(Session) Numerical Analysis / Scientific Computations / Mathematics in Science and Technology (SS-14)
MathLibre : variable computer environment with open source mathematical software
Tatsuyoshi Hamada1
Fukuoka University1
초록본문(Abstract) MathLibre is a project to archive open source mathematical software and free mathematical documents and offer them on Live Linux. MathLibre is the direct descendant of KNOPPIX/Math. It provides a desktop for mathematicians that can be set up easily and quickly. Our system includes \TeX{}Live and a lot of environments for writing \LaTeX{} documents: \TeX{}maker, \TeX{}studio, \TeX{}works, Kile, and GNU Emacs.

The DVD includes many mathematical software systems, libraries and programming environments, such as 3D-XplorMath-J, 4ti2, BLAS, Cadabra, C.a.R., cca, cddlib, CoCoA, Coq, Dr. Geo, Eukleides, freefem++, Fraqtive, GAP, GeoGebra, Geomview, GEONExT, gfan, GNU R, Gnuplot, Kan/sm1, Kig, KSEG, LAPACK, LiE, Macaulay2, math-polyglot, Maxima, Normaliz, NZMATH, Octave, OpenXM, PARI/GP, Polymake, QFract, Reduce, Risa/Asir, SAGE, Scilab, Singular, skeleton, SnapPea, SnapPy, surf, surfer, surfex, Surface Evolver, XaoS, Yacas, and Yorick, ...

Once you run the live system, you can experience a wonderful world of mathematical research tools without needing to make any installations yourself. This is a bootable DVD. If you can boot from the DVD, then please reboot. The live system will be ready. If you prepare over 8 GB USB flash drive,
you can make USB bootable system with your home directory.

The default language environment of MathLibre is English, but it's easy to rebuild the other language environments supported by Debian GNU/Linux. For example, we have Chinese, Japanese, Taiwanese, and
Korean editions, now.
(MSC number(s))
키워드(Keyword(s)) opensource, symbolic computation, computer algebra, visualization
강연 형태
(Language of Session (Talk))