컨텐츠 시작



제출번호(No.) 0529
분류(Section) Contributed Talk
분과(Session) Functional Analysis and Applications (SS-09)
[CANCELLED] Fedosov quantization and time operators
Job A. Nable1, Eric A. Galapon2
Mathematics Department, Ateneo De Manila University1, National Institute of Physics, University of the Philippines, Diliman2
초록본문(Abstract) We study the relation between time operators as it
appears in the works of the
second author and the theory of deformation quantization. In
particular, it is pointed out that the functions appearing in time
operators as kernels of integral operators are objects in the space
$C^{\infty}(\mathbb R^2)[[\hbar]]$ of power series in $\hbar$ and
that under the Weyl-Moyal star-product,
we get the correspondence principle $[T_{\hbar}, H]_*=i\hbar\{{t}_0, H\},$
for a discrete or semibounded Hamiltonian $H$.
Secondly, we present results where an attempt to put the time
kernel functions into the deformation quantization setting via the
construction of Fedosov is carried out. Two abelian connections
$D_1$ and $D_2$ are identified on Weyl algebras bundle $\cal W$ consisting of
series of the form $a=\sum_{k, i, j}(q, q')\hbar^ka_{k, i,
j}(y^1)^{\alpha_1}(y^2)^{\alpha_2},$ where $(q, q')$ are
coordinates of $M=\mathbb R^2$ and
$y^1=\displaystyle\frac{\partial}{\partial q},
y^2=\displaystyle\frac{\partial}{\partial q'}$ are coordinates on
the tangent space $T_{(q_0, q'_0)}(M).$ The Lie algebra ${\cal
W}_D=\{a:Da=0\}$ will be shown to be Lie algebra isomorphic to
${\cal Z}=C^{\infty}(M)[|\epsilon|].$ The Weyl-Moyal star-product on
${\cal W}_D$ transfers to ${\cal Z} $ via this isomorphism. This
provides a star-product on ${\cal Z} $ where the time kernel
functions satisfy the canonical commutation relations in the sense of star-products.
(MSC number(s))
81S05, 81S10
키워드(Keyword(s)) time operators, Fedosov deformation quantization, Weyl algebras
강연 형태
(Language of Session (Talk))