컨텐츠 시작



제출번호(No.) 0610
분류(Section) Poster Session
분과(Session) Logic / Foundations / History of Mathematics / Mathematics Education (SS-01)
Teaching methodology of mathematics training and talent search programme
Ajit Kumar1, S. Kumaresan2
Institute of Chemical Technology1, University of Hyderabad2
초록본문(Abstract) Mathematics Training and Talent Search Programme (M.T. \& T.S.) is a national
level four weeks intensive summer training programme in mathematics which has
been running since 1993 in India. This programme is funded by the National Board
for Higher Mathematics (NBHM) \cite{nbhm} and is directed by S. Kumaresan since its
inception. It has been one of the most significant and successful training
programmes in India and has made an impressive impact in mathematical scene in
India over the years, especially at undergraduate and post graduate levels.
About 170-180 talented students in three levels, selected from all over the
country, undergo this training programme every year at various centres in India.
The main aim of this programme is to expose bright young minds to the excitement
of doing mathematics, to promote independent mathematical thinking, and to
prepare them for higher aspects of mathematics.

In this paper, we discuss the main features of this programme, the teaching
methodology, its evolution and its impact on mathematical scene in India. We also discuss, two other programmes,
Mini-MTTS and Pedagogical Training for Mathematics Teachers (PTMT) that run under the same umbrella.
(MSC number(s))
키워드(Keyword(s)) MTTS, PTMT, NBHM
강연 형태
(Language of Session (Talk))