컨텐츠 시작



제출번호(No.) 0326
분류(Section) Special Session
분과(Session) Mathematical Education (ME)
Counting is an important ingredient of mathematics education
Youngmee Koh1, Sangwook Ree1
The University of Suwon1
초록본문(Abstract) Mathematics is a kind of language, and even a tool of cognition for human beings.
Mathematics has been used to communicate and to develop the civilizations
through the history. So mathematics is one of the most important subjects for human
to teach and learn. Especially, developed countries believe that mathematics
will play very important roles in the developments of future industries and so
future society. In this talk, we clarify that combinatorics which is mainly represented
by counting is an important ingredient of future mathematics education.
To do so, we investigate the characteristics of combinatorics from the educational
and cognitive perspectives.
(MSC number(s))
Mathematics Education, Cognition, Counting
키워드(Keyword(s)) 05-01, 97A40, 97B20, 97C30, 97C70, 97K20
강연 형태
(Language of Session (Talk))