컨텐츠 시작



제출번호(No.) 0327
분류(Section) Special Session
분과(Session) Algebraic Geometry (AL-3)
Green’s theorem and Gorenstein sequences
Jeaman Ahn1, Juan C. Migliore2, Yong-Su Shin3
Kongju National University1, University of Notre dame2, Sungshin Women’s University3
초록본문(Abstract) We study consequences, for a standard graded algebra, of extremal behavior in Green’s Hyperplane Restriction Theorem. First, we extend his Theorem 4 from the case of a plane curve to the case of a hypersurface in a linear space. Second, assuming a certain Lefschetz condition, we give a connection to extremal behavior in Macaulay’s theorem. We apply these results to show that $(1, 19, 17, 19, 1)$ is not a Gorenstein sequence, and as a result we classify the sequences of the form $(1, a, a-2, a, 1)$ that are Gorenstein sequences.
(MSC number(s))
Primary:13D40; Secondary:13H10, 14C20
키워드(Keyword(s)) Gorenstein sequence, Green’s theorem, Hilbert function, Lefschetz condition, Macaulay’s Theorem
강연 형태
(Language of Session (Talk))