컨텐츠 시작



제출번호(No.) 0135
분류(Section) Special Session
분과(Session) (SS-10) Function Theory, Operator Theory and Applications (SS-10)
발표시간(Time) 20th-C-10:20 -- 10:40
Toeplitz operators on the vector-valued Hardy space
Sumin Kim1
Sungkyunkwan University1
초록본문(Abstract) For an operator-valued symbol $\Phi\in L^2_s(\mathbb T, \mathcal{B}(D, E)) $, the Toeplitz operator $T_\Phi$ on the vector-valued Hardy space $H^2_s(\mathbb T, \mathcal{B}(D, E))$ are densely defined operators defined by
T_{\Phi}p:= P(\Phi p) \quad(p \in \mathcal P_D),
where $P$ denotes the orthogonal projection that maps $L^2(\mathbb T, E)$ onto $H^2(\mathbb T, E)$. In this talk, we will discuss vector-valued function spaces and Toeplitz operators on the vector-valued Hardy space.

This talk is based on a joint work with R.E. Curto, In Sung Hwang and Woo Young Lee.
(MSC number(s))
47B35, 30H10, 46E40
키워드(Keyword(s)) Toeplitz operators, Hardy spaces, vector-valued functions
강연 형태
(Language of Session (Talk))