컨텐츠 시작



제출번호(No.) 0200
분류(Section) Special Session
분과(Session) (SS-22) Enumerative Combinatorics (SS-22)
발표시간(Time) 20th-D-13:30 -- 14:00
Lattice-point enumeration, order polytopes, and generalized snake posets
Eon Lee1, Andrés R. Vindas Meléndez2, Zhi Wang3
GIST1, University of California Berkeley and Harvey Mudd College2, University of Science and Technology of China3
초록본문(Abstract) Building from the work by von Bell et al.~(2022), we study the Ehrhart theory of the order polytopes arising from a special class of distributive lattices, known as generalized snake posets. We call the order polytopes of generalized snake posets, $\text{GSP}$s. We present arithmetic properties which the Ehrhart polynomials of $\text{GSP}$s satisfy, and compute their Gorenstein index. Then we give a combinatorial description of the chain polynomial of $\text{GSP}$s. We then shift our focus to the $h^*/f^*$-vectors of $\text{GSP}$s. In particular, we present an explicit formula of the $h^*$-polynomial for the two extremal cases of $\text{GSP}$s, namely the order polytopes from the ladder and regular snake posets. Then we provide a recursive formula for the $h^*$-polynomial of any $\text{GSP}$ and show that the $h^*/f^*$-vectors are entry-wise bounded by the $h^*/f^*$-vectors of the two extremal cases. The formulas we present involve several well-known families of combinatorial numbers such as, the Catalan, Pell, Delannoy and Narayana numbers. As corollaries to our results we prove basic combinatorial identities between these numbers.
(MSC number(s))
키워드(Keyword(s)) Ehrhart theory, order polytope, generalized snake posets
강연 형태
(Language of Session (Talk))