컨텐츠 시작



제출번호(No.) 0238
분류(Section) Contributed Talk
분과(Session) (CR) Cryptography (CR)
발표시간(Time) 19th-B-13:50 -- 14:10
Efficient verifiable delay encryption using zk-PoK
Yulim Shin1, Sung Wook Kim2, Hyunok Oh1, Jihye Kim3
Hanyang University1, Seoul Women's University 2, Kookmin University3
초록본문(Abstract) The time-lock puzzle is an encryption primitive designed to encrypt a message in such a way that it cannot be decrypted by anyone until a certain amount of time has passed. In the context of time-lock puzzles (TLP), puzzle generation must be efficient, while solving it must be slow and sequential. Lately, with advancements in blockchain research, delayed encryption techniques have gained prominence, leading to the introduction of Verifiable Delay Functions (VDF). A VDF is a function that can only be evaluated sequentially and slowly, but the verification of its evaluation should be fast.

Time-lock puzzle can be used to displace trusted parties from protocols, transforming them into time-lock puzzle-solving tasks. However, an issue occurs when parties are unable to detect if the puzzle itself lacks a valid solution. In this paper, we present an efficient verifiable delay encryption method capable of proving the existence of a valid solution for the puzzle using zero-knowledge Proofs of Knowledge (zkPoK) over both RSA groups and class groups. With this scheme, we can assure parties that the puzzle has been well-constructed.

(MSC number(s))
키워드(Keyword(s)) Verifiable delay function, time-lock puzzle
강연 형태
(Language of Session (Talk))