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검색된 항목/전체 항목 (267 / 8955)
Results : 267 found / 8955 All

(Session Code)
2024년도 대한수학회 봄 연구발표회(2024 KMS Spring Meeting) DM A characterization of integrally $\Sigma$-completable signed graphs 허철원
2024년도 대한수학회 봄 연구발표회(2024 KMS Spring Meeting) SS-04 Lessons learned from verifying real-world systems software using separation logic 강지훈
2024년도 대한수학회 봄 연구발표회(2024 KMS Spring Meeting) SS-06 Existence results of porous medium equation with a divergence form of drift 황숙정
2024년도 대한수학회 봄 연구발표회(2024 KMS Spring Meeting) SS-19 Non-ergodic linear convergence property of the delayed gradient descent under the strongly convexity and the Polyak-{\L}ojasiewicz condition} 최우철
2024년도 대한수학회 봄 연구발표회(2024 KMS Spring Meeting) SS-05 On the bounded subsolution problem for the complex Monge-Ampère flows 강보우
2024년도 대한수학회 봄 연구발표회(2024 KMS Spring Meeting) SS-07 Non-relativistic limit of boson star equation 윤혜원
2024년도 대한수학회 봄 연구발표회(2024 KMS Spring Meeting) SS-05 Legendre transformation related to toric plurisubharmonic functions and its application 서호섭
2024년도 대한수학회 봄 연구발표회(2024 KMS Spring Meeting) SS-21 Estimating the distribution of parameters in differential equations with repeated cross-sectional data 조성웅
2024년도 대한수학회 봄 연구발표회(2024 KMS Spring Meeting) SS-12 The parameters of quantum error-correcting codes using various linear codes 김보란
2024년도 대한수학회 봄 연구발표회(2024 KMS Spring Meeting) SS-19 Stochastic extragradient with flip-flop shuffling & anchoring 채지석
2024년도 대한수학회 봄 연구발표회(2024 KMS Spring Meeting) SS-08 Thresholds for solution boundedness and blow-up in repulsive chemotaxis-consumption systems in higher dimensions 김동광
2024년도 대한수학회 봄 연구발표회(2024 KMS Spring Meeting) SS-21 Forecasting seasonal infectious disease outbreaks and analyzing the impact of the COVID-19 장근수
2024년도 대한수학회 봄 연구발표회(2024 KMS Spring Meeting) CR Functional bootstrapping for FV-style cryptosystems 이동원
2024년도 대한수학회 봄 연구발표회(2024 KMS Spring Meeting) AM Computation for the first Steklov-Dirichlet eigenvalue on eccentric spherical shells in general dimensions 이우주
2024년도 대한수학회 봄 연구발표회(2024 KMS Spring Meeting) SS-10 Algebraic structure of certain subsets of Orlicz-Lorentz spaces 탁형준