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검색된 항목/전체 항목 (267 / 8955)
Results : 267 found / 8955 All

(Session Code)
2024년도 대한수학회 봄 연구발표회(2024 KMS Spring Meeting) SS-01 Arithmetic properties of generalized Hecke operators 민경석
2024년도 대한수학회 봄 연구발표회(2024 KMS Spring Meeting) SS-06 Vector solutions for the nonlinear Schrodinger systems 석진명
2024년도 대한수학회 봄 연구발표회(2024 KMS Spring Meeting) SS-01 An explicit formula for the orbital integrals associated with an arbitrary element of the spherical Hecke Algebra of $\mathrm{GL}_3$ 이유찬
2024년도 대한수학회 봄 연구발표회(2024 KMS Spring Meeting) SS-10 Toeplitz operators on the vector-valued Hardy space 김수민
2024년도 대한수학회 봄 연구발표회(2024 KMS Spring Meeting) SS-19 Exact optimal complexity of fixed-point iteration with possible infeasibility 박지선
2024년도 대한수학회 봄 연구발표회(2024 KMS Spring Meeting) SS-21 Exponential ergodicity of one-dimensional stochastic reaction networks 김민준
2024년도 대한수학회 봄 연구발표회(2024 KMS Spring Meeting) AL Application of Hida theory for modular symbols 황명관
2024년도 대한수학회 봄 연구발표회(2024 KMS Spring Meeting) AM Splitting-based hybrid method for reaction-diffusion systems 윤성하
2024년도 대한수학회 봄 연구발표회(2024 KMS Spring Meeting) SS-19 Optimization algorithm design by continuous-time analysis 서재욱
2024년도 대한수학회 봄 연구발표회(2024 KMS Spring Meeting) PS Finite-size scaling and plateau for the hierarchical $\phi^4$ model in dimension $\ge 4$ 박지운
2024년도 대한수학회 봄 연구발표회(2024 KMS Spring Meeting) SS-21 On the effects of nonuniform diffusion on population dynamics within spatial heterogeneity 장영석
2024년도 대한수학회 봄 연구발표회(2024 KMS Spring Meeting) AL Recursive Koszul flattenings of determinant and permanent tensors 주정훈
2024년도 대한수학회 봄 연구발표회(2024 KMS Spring Meeting) AM A new full-newton step infeasible interior-point method for linear optimization 이종규
2024년도 대한수학회 봄 연구발표회(2024 KMS Spring Meeting) SS-16 On the stability of Lipschitz continuous control problems and its application to reinforcement learning 조남경
2024년도 대한수학회 봄 연구발표회(2024 KMS Spring Meeting) SS-08 The global Cauhcy problem for the Euler-Riesz system 정진욱