


제출번호(No.) 0062
분류(Section) Poster Session
분과(Session) Applied Mathematics (AM)
Control Malaria through media awareness: A mathematical modeling approach
Ibrahim Malik Muhammad1, Il Hyo Jung1
Pusan National University1
초록본문(Abstract) Malaria is an ancient disease with challenging health issues. The tropical regions such as Africa, Asia and America are favorable for rapid spread of this disease. This deadly disease is the root cause of the death of around millions people according to the WHO 2015 world malaria report. In this study, a deterministic Vector-borne model has been proposed. Previous studies suggested that prevention is a control parameter for such infectious disease. Thus it shall be helpful to add awareness term in mathematical model of the disease. The whole infected host population is divided into two groups, aware and unaware infected individuals. The positivity and the boundedness of solutions have been derived. Local and global stability analysis of disease free equilibrium has been investigated via basic reproductive number R0, if R0 <1 the system is stable otherwise unstable. The existence of the unique endemic equilibrium has been also determined under certain conditions.The results show that a significant increase in the population of susceptible human is achieved in addition to the decrease in the population of the infected mosquitoes.
(MSC number(s))
키워드(Keyword(s)) Malaria
강연 형태
(Language of Session (Talk))