


제출번호(No.) 0116
분류(Section) Contributed Talk
분과(Session) Algebra (AL)
Newton--Okounkov bodies of flag Bott--Samelson varieties
Naoki Fujita2, Eunjeong Lee1, Dong Youp Suh1
KAIST1, Tokyo Institute of Technology2
초록본문(Abstract) Let $G$ be a simply-connected semisimple algebraic group over $\mathbb{C}$. A Bott--Samelson variety $Z$ is an iterated sequence of $\mathbb{C} P^1$-bundles which has an action of the Borel subgroup $B\subset G$. It is known that the set of holomorphic sections of a holomorphic line bundle $\mathcal L$ over $Z$ is a $B$-module, called a generalized Demazure module. Moreover with an appropriate choice of a valuation $v$, one can construct Newton--Okounkov body associated to $(Z, \mathcal L, v)$ which coincides with a generalized string polytope. In this talk, we introduce flag Bott--Samelson variety, which is a generalization of both Bott--Samelson variety and full flag variety, and moreover, as differentiable manifolds a flag Bott--Samelson variety can be considered as a flag Bott tower which has been introduced recently. Furthermore we study representation theoretic meanings of flag Bott--Samelson varieties. This talk is based on an on-going project with Naoki Fujita and Dong Youp Suh.
(MSC number(s))
05E10, 14M15
키워드(Keyword(s)) flag Bott--Samelson varieties, generalized Demazure module, Newton--Okounkov bodies, flag Bott tower
강연 형태
(Language of Session (Talk))