


제출번호(No.) 0266
분류(Section) Poster Session
분과(Session) (AM) Applied Mathematics(including AI, Data Science) (AM)
The explicit inverse of a quasi-tridiagonal matrix
Su Lae Nwe1, Philsu Kim1, Soyoon Bak1, Sangbeom Park1
Kyungpook National University1
초록본문(Abstract) In this presentation, we deal with the quasi-tridiagonal systems of linear equations induced by solving partial differential equations. The standard LU decomposition is a commonly used method for solving such a system of equations. This presentation aims to introduce a novel strategy for solving the quasi-tridiagonal system of linear equations that provides more efficient and less time-consuming results compared to the standard LU decomposition method. To achieve this, we start by decomposing the quasi-tridiagonal matrix into the tridiagonal matrix and rank 2 correction term and then apply the Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury to get its explicit inverse. Second, we verify the invertibility of the explicit formulation of the quasi-tridiagonal. Finally, we apply the Thomas algorithm to the tridiagonal matrix to obtain the numerical results.
(MSC number(s))
키워드(Keyword(s)) Quasi-tridiagonal system, inverse matrix, Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury
강연 형태
(Language of Session (Talk))