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행사일자 2015-04-23
장소 국가수리과학연구소
첨부파일 콜로퀴움_포스터_황준묵.pdf

NIMS 콜로퀴엄

연사: 황준묵 교수 (KIAS) 일시: 4월 23일(목) 16:30~17:30 장소: 국가수리과학연구소 수학원리응용센터 세미나실 제목: Webs of algebraic curves 초록

- Abstract -     A family of algebraic curves covering a projective variety X is called a web of curves on X if it has only finitely many members through a general point of X. A web of curves on X induces a web-structure, in the sense of local differential geometry, in a neighborhood of a general point of X.  We will discuss the relation between the local differential geometry of the web-structure and the global algebraic geometry of X.