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행사명 Categorical Representation Theory and Combinatorics
행사명(영문) Categorical Representation Theory and Combinatorics
행사일자 2015-12-08 ~ 2015-12-11
장소 고등과학원
장소(영문) KIAS
링크주소 https://home.kias.re.kr/MKG/h/CRC2015/

Title: Categorical Representation Theory and Combinatorics

Period: December 8 - 11, 2015

Place: KIAS, Seoul, South Korea

Theme: Representation theory is an important field of mathematics for studying algebraic structures of various groups and algebras. Especially, representations of Lie algebras and Lie groups have deep connections with other areas of mathematics like algebraic geometry and categorification. Combinatorics play an important role in those connections, most of all for better understanding many abstract concepts. The principal aim of the conference is to bring together leading international experts working on various aspects of this theme.

Homepage: http://home.kias.re.kr/MKG/h/CRC2015/