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행사명 POSTECH Mathematics Lecture Series by Don Bernard Zagier
행사명(영문) POSTECH Mathematics Lecture Series by Don Bernard Zagier
행사일자 2016-05-09
장소 POSTECH 수리과학관 404호
장소(영문) Math. Bldg. 404, POSTECH, Korea
첨부파일 2016_Zagier교수강연포스터.163951(2).pdf
링크주소 https://pmi.postech.ac.kr/index.php
내용 POSTECH Mathematics Lecture Series by Don Bernard Zagier
- Max Planck Institute and POSTECH Distinguished Professor

April 30(Sat) ~ May 13(Fri)
Math. Bldg. 404, POSTECH, Korea

*Lecture Series(May 3,4,9,10)
Title: Number Theory related to Knots

*General Lecture (May 12)
Title: Two classical results
about class numbers, with simple new proofs
Time: 17:00-18:15

Contact: Dept. of Mathematics/Pohang Mathematics Institute at
(P)+82-54-279-5510; (e)seunju@postech.ac.kr