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행사명 PCAM Workshop - Interdisciplinary Workshop on Mathematics and Climate Change
행사명(영문) PCAM Workshop - Interdisciplinary Workshop on Mathematics and Climate Change
행사일자 2017-01-23 ~ 2017-01-24
장소 부산 노보텔
장소(영문) Novotel Ambassador Busan
첨부파일 PCAM_poster.pdf
링크주소 https://pmi.postech.ac.kr/activity/conference/read.php?id=138
내용 PCAM Workshop
Interdisciplinary Workshop on Mathematics and Climate Change

Date: January 23 - 24, 2017
Venue: Novotel Ambassador Busan

Invited Speakers:
Song-You Hong, KIAPS
Hyung Ju Hwang,
Fei-Fei Jin, University of Hawaii
Sarah Kang, UNIST
Kunwoo Kim,
Kyung Ah Koo, National Institute of Ecology
Axel Timmermann, IBS
Center for Climate Physics at Pusan National University
Jinho Yoo, APEC
Climate Center

Organizer: POSTECH Center for Applications of Mathematics; PCAM-PMI