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행사명 SNU 10-10 Special Lectures in Logic
행사일자 2024-01-23
장소 online
첨부파일 10_10_Special_Lectures_in_Logic_포스터.pdf

일시: 2024 1 23() 16:00~18:00(QnA포함)


장소: ZOOM(Meeting ID: 976 2795 1662 / Passcode: 489146), 



연사: Prof. George Metcalfe (Director, Mathematical Institute, University of Bern)



2024 1 23() 16:00~18:00(QnA포함)

Title: Ordered Algebras and Logic

Abstract: Ordered algebras such as Boolean algebras, Heyting algebras, lattice-ordered groups, and MV-algebras have long played a crucial role in logic, although perhaps only in recent years has the significance of the relationship between the two fields been fully recognized and exploited. In the first part of this talk, I will briefly trace the distinct historical roots of ordered algebras and logic, culminating with the theory of algebraizable logics, that demonstrates the complementary nature of the two fields. In the second part, I will explain and illustrate the usefulness of this theory for both logic and algebra in the setting of substructural logics and residuated lattices.

문의: winsomevely@snu.ac.kr/   02-880-6272