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행사명 [AORC] International Conference on Matrix Theory with Applications to Combinatorics, Optimization and Data Science
행사명(영문) [AORC] International Conference on Matrix Theory with Applications to Combinatorics, Optimization and Data Science
행사일자 2022-12-01 ~ 2022-12-05
장소 제주 서귀포칼호텔
장소(영문) Seogwipo KAL Hotel Jeju
링크주소 https://swb.skku.edu/aorc/index.do
International Conference on Matrix Theory with Applications to Combinatorics,Optimization and Data Science
December 1-5, 2022/ Seogwipo KAL Hotel Jeju, Korea 


The purpose of the conference is to stimulate research and facilitate interaction of researchers interested in matrix theory, combinatorics, optimization, data science and related topics. For this purpose, all the speakers are outstanding scholars recommended by the research centers co-organizing this conference and invited by AORC. This meeting will be a convenient platform to exchange research experiences and ideas in various research fields. 

Plenary Speakers   
 Richard Brualdi, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Gray Ballard, Wake Forest University, USA
Jein Shan Chen, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Sang-il Oum, Institute for Basic Science (IBS) / KAIST, Korea
Sungha Kang, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Steve Kirkland, University of Manitoba, Canada
Fred Roberts, Rutgers University, USA

Jointly organized by
Applied Algebra and Optimization Research Center (AORC), Sungkyunkwan University, Korea
International Research Center for Tensor and Matrix Theory (IRCTMT), Shanghai University, China
Institute of Data Engineering and Science, Georgia Institute of Technology (IDEaS), USA,
Center for Discrete Mathematics, Zhejiang Normal University (CDM), China

Sponsored by
National Research Foundation of Korea
Sungkyunkwan University, Korea

Hosted by
 Applied Algebra and Optimization Research Center(AORC)

Han-Guk Seol (Email:  aorc@skku.edu)