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행사명 Webinar in Number Theory 2023
행사일자 2023-04-03
장소 Online
링크주소 https://www.math.u-bordeaux.fr/~pthieull/LIA/webinars_NT.html


Webinar in Number Theory 2023 French-Korean IRL in Mathematics, meeting on the first and 3rd Monday of every month from 5 pm (Korean time) start from April 3, 2023 Organized by L. Berger(ENS de Lyon), Y. Choie (POSTECH), B. Im (KAIST)


o Every 1st and 3rd Monday of every month: a 50 mn talk

o Winter French time: 9:00-10:00, Korean time: 17:00-18:00

o Zoom link: ask the organizers


  • 2023/04/03: Guillaume Ricotta (University of Bordeaux)
    Title: Kloosterman paths of prime powers moduli

    Abstract: Let n be a large enough fixed integer and p be a prime number. We prove that the polygonal paths joining the partial sums of the normalized classical Kloosterman sums of moduli pn converge in law, as p tends to infinity, to an explicit random Fourier series in the Banach space of complex-valued continuous function on [0,1]. This is a joint work with Emmanuel Royer and Igor Shparlinski
  • 2023/04/24: Jaeho Haan (Yeonse University)
    The local converse theorem for quasi-split SO(2n)

    Abstract: Local converse theorem (LCT) has many interesting applications. For example, global rigidity theorem and injectivity of global factorial lift of global generic cuspidal representations of classical groups immediately follows from it. Starting from the Jiang and Soudry's pioneering work for SO(2n+1), the LCT has now proved for almost all classical groups but quasi-split SO(2n). In this talk, we discuss the proof of LCT for quasi-split SO(2n) by studying the relation of gamma factors between SO(2n) and Sp(2n). If time permits, we also discuss the positive characteristic cases as well as the characteristic zero cases. This is a joint work with Yeansu Kim and Sanghoon Kwon.