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행사명 The International Mathematics and Statistics Student Research Symposium (IMSSRS)
행사명(영문) The International Mathematics and Statistics Student Research Symposium (IMSSRS)
행사일자 2023-04-15
장소 online
첨부파일 IMSSRS_2023.pdf
링크주소 https://sites.google.com/view/imssrs/home

The International Mathematics and Statistics Student Research Symposium (IMSSRS) will take place virtually on Saturday, April 15, 2023. This is a free conference for all mathematics and statistics students (high school, undergraduate, graduate) to share their research with the rest of the world, to learn about current research topics and to hang out with like-minded math and stat enthusiasts. Presenters must be students, but faculty can be co-authors, and everyone is welcome as an attendee.


Abstract submission and registration deadlines are both March 24, 2023.

(초록 접수 및 등록 마감일 : 2023년 3월 24일 (US New York time))


To learn more, please visit the conference website (https://sites.google.com/view/imssrs/homeor see the conference flyer.


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