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행사명 Webinar in Number Theory 2023
행사일자 2023-05-15
장소 Online
링크주소 https://www.math.u-bordeaux.fr/~pthieull/LIA/webinars_NT.html

Webinar in Number Theory 2023 French-Korean IRL in Mathematics, meeting on the first and 3rd Monday of every month from 5 pm (Korean time) start from April 3, 2023 Organized by L. Berger(ENS de Lyon), Y. Choie (POSTECH), B. Im (KAIST)



o Every 1st and 3rd Monday of every month: a 50 mn talk


o Summer French time: 10:00-11:00, Korean time: 17:00-18:00


o Zoom link: ask the organizers

2023/05/15: Laurent Berger (ENS de Lyon)
Title: Super-Hölder functions and vectors

Abstract: I will define super-Hölder functions, an analogue in characteristic p of locally analytic functions. I will give examples of super-Hölder functions in certain situations of arithmetic interest. Joint work with Sandra Rozensztajn.