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영문명 한글명
asymptotic behavior 점근적 행동
asymptotic circle 점근원
asymptotic cone 점근원뿔
asymptotic convergence 점근수렴
asymptotic curvature 점근곡률
asymptotic curve 점근곡선
asymptotic density 점근밀도
asymptotic direction 점근방향
asymptotic distribution 점근적 분포
asymptotic efficiency 점근유효도
asymptotic expansion 점근적 전개
asymptotic formula 점근공식
asymptotic line 점근선
asymptotic mean value 점근평균값
asymptotic minimal basis 점근극소기저
asymptotic order 점근위수
asymptotic path 점근경로
asymptotic plane 점근평면
asymptotic point 점근점
asymptotic property of estimator 추정량의 점근적 성질
asymptotic rate of convergence 점근수렴률
asymptotic series 점근급수
asymptotic solution 점근해
asymptotic stability 점근적 안정성
asymptotic surface 점근곡면
asymptotic triangle 점근삼각형
asymptotic unbiased estimator 점근불편추정량
asymptotic value 점근값
asymptotically efficient estimator 점근유효추정량
asymptotically equal 점근적 대등