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영문명 한글명
synchronous curve 동기곡선
Synge’s lemma 싱의 보조정리
synthesis 합성
synthetic division 조립제법
system of axioms 공리계
system of coordinates 좌표계
system of differential equations 연립미분방정식
system of equations 연립방정식
system of finite dimensional distribution 연립유한차원분포
system of functions 함수체계
system of generators 생성계
system of involutions 대합계
system of neighborhoods 근방계
system of orthogonal functions 직교함수계
system of orthonormal function 정규직교함수계
system of projections 사영계
system of residues 잉여계
systematic error 계통오차
systematic sampling 계통추출법
t cyclic t순환의
t cyclic subspace t순환부분공간
t cyclic vector space t순환벡터공간
t distribution t분포
t invariant t불변의
t invariant subspace t불변 부분공간
t policy t정책
t quasi invariant t준불변의
t quasi invariant subspace t준불변 부분공간
t semistability t반안정성
t stability t안정성