Submission of Abstract

◎ 상설분과 발표(Contributed Talk) : Talks are invited in any area of the mathematical sciences (Algebra, Analysis, Geometry, Topology, Probability and Statistics, Applied Mathematics, Mathematics for Information Sciences, Mathematical Education, Cryptology and etc.).

◎ 특별세션 (Special Session)발표 : Each session is composed of a series of talks on a specific topic in any area of the mathematical science. Special Session and Contributed Talk will be respectively timetabled in a concurrent time slot.
 Talks are invited in any area of the mathematical science, with acceptance at the discretion of the organizers. If your talk falls under the heading of one of the special sessions already listed, please contact one of the session organizers before submitting an abstract, as special sessions have limited time slots. 

◎ 포스터(Poster Session)발표 : Presentations are invited in any area of the mathematical sciences (Algebra, Analysis, Geometry, Topology, Probability and Statistics, Applied Mathematics, Mathematics for Information Sciences, Mathematical Education, Cryptology and etc.).

 The deadline for abstract submission is March 17, 2014. 
The Abstract should be written in English and the length of the body text should not exceed 200 Words(B5 paper, 1/2 page).

※ 대한수학회 회원만 초록제출 및 논문 발표가 가능합니다.
만약 대한수학회 회원이 아닌 경우 [대한수학회 홈페이지]에서 회원 신청을 하고, 연회비 및 입회비를 납부하면 초록 제출이 가능합니다.
그러나 추후 이사회에서 회원 승인이 되지 않으면 제출된 초록은 취소될 수 있습니다.