Invited Speakers

  ◎ KIAS Plenary Lecture (4.29(토) 16:20~17:10)

최희준   Choe, Hi Jun 

• 연세대학교 응용해석 및 계산 센터장   
   Director, Center for Mathematical Analysis & Computation
   at Yonsei University

• 연세대학교 수학과 교수   
   Professor, Department of Mathematics, Yonsei University

Title: Leading to Mathematical Fluid Mechanics
The motion of fluid is complex and fascinating. Meanwhile our understanding of the behavior is very much limited in both phenomena and rigorous mathematics. In material sense, fluid is something like water, air and oil that change their shapes according to container. Because all materials are made of particles like atoms, the motion of fluid is modeled from Hamiltonian dynamics, statistical mechanics and continuum mechanics.
In this talk we address foundation, mechanical equations and mathematical challenges. Although most mathematical issues are old and intensely studied, many of them stand firmly open.
We like to discuss about mathematical progresses and trend.


  ◎ NIMS Scholar Lecture (4.28(금) 13:40~14:30)

John R. Ockendon    

Emeritus Professor, Mathematical Institute at University of Oxford          

Title: Industrial Mathematics, Pure and Applied
This talk will give a brief review of some of the mathematical challenges that have emerged from problems posed by industry over the past 50 years. This will show how important it has become for both pure and applied mathematicians to collaborate in order to meet these challenges.

  ◎ KIAS Public Lecture (4.28(금) 17:00~18:00)

이상구   Lee, Sang-Gu  

• 성균관대학교 수학과 교수
   Professor, Department of Mathematics, Sungkyunkwan University
Title: Korean Mathematics : 1880~2017 (한국 근∙현대수학 : 전통과 첨단의 조화)
본 강연에서는 먼저 한국의 근·현대수학이 개화기와 일제 강점기 그리고 해방 후 70년간 어떤 과정을 거쳐 도입되고 발전되어 왔는지를 시대별 특징을 통하여 살펴본다. 그리고 그 과정에서 어떤 개척자들이 어떤 역할을 하였는지를 확인한다.    특히 1946년 탄생한 대한수학회가 지난 70년 동안 어떤 과정을 통하여 한국의 현대수학과 수학교육 발전에 기여해 왔는지 <대한수학회 70년사>에 근거하여 소개한다.   마지막으로 4차 산업혁명의 시대를 맞이하여 수학의 역할이 어느 때보다도 중요한 이 시기에 21세기 교육환경/첨단기술과 함께 그동안 대학에서 수학 교수/학습 방법이 어떻게 변화하였지 몇 가지 사례를 중심으로 그 결과물을 소개/공유한다. 특히 기본 수학과목인 고교 미적분학, 대학미적분학, 선형대수학, 미분방정식, 공학수학, 통계학입문, Math in Big Data 등에서의 결과물을 무료로 공유한다.


  ◎ NIMS Public Lecture (4.30(일) 09:30~10:30)

김재경   Kim, Jae Kyoung  

• 카이스트 수리과학과 교수
   Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST

Title: 복잡한 생명 현상을 이해하는 21세기 현미경, 수학
수학은  물리학, 화학, 공학등 다양한 분야의 연구에 중요한 역할을 해왔습니다. 최근 한걸음 더 나아가 세상에서 존재하는 가장 복잡한 시스템인 생명현상을 이해하는데 수학이 활발히 사용되고 있습니다. 이러한 수학과 생물학의 만남(수리 생물학)을 생물학의 6번째 혁명이라고 합니다. 이번 강연에서 이러한 두 분야의 만남에 관해서 소개하고 고등학교에서 배우는 미분과 적분을 이용해서 다양한 생명현상 관련 퍼즐들을 풀어보는 시간을 가지려합니다.

  ◎ Special Invited Lecture (4.29(토) 17:15~17:55)       

김수연   Kim, Su Yeon     

• 중앙일보 통일문화연구소 전문위원

북한의 인재 양성 정책과 김일성종합대학에 대하여 
북한 정부의 인재 양성 정책은 크게 세 가지로 나누어서 설명할 수 있다. 북한 사회주의 정권 수립 시기의 인재 양성 정책과 김정일 정권 시기의 인재 양성 정책, 그리고 현 시기 북한의 인재 양성에서 중요한 수재(영재) 양성 정책의 본질을 논의한다. 또한, 북한 인재 양성의 골간기지인 김일성종합대학 운영에 대하여 논의한다. 세부적으로 김일성종합대학의 사명과 북한 학생들이 어떤 경로를 통해 김일성종합대학에 입학할 수 있는지 알아보고자 하며, 대표적으로 김일성종합대학의 과학 인재 양성 체계를 논의해 보고자 한다. 이를 위해 학부의 양성 체계와 박사원을 통한 양성 체계, 교수들과 연구원들의 자질 향상을 위해 김일성종합대학이 어떤 노력을 기울이고 있는지 알아본다.
이번 강연을 통해 북한이 자국의 인재 양성을 위해 어떤 노력을 전개하고 있으며, 어떤 방향으로 나아가고 있는지 알아볼 수 있을 것이다. 

  ◎ Invited Lectures (4.29(토) 13:40~14:20)

[대수학 Algebra]  박진형   Park, Jin Hyung   

• 고등과학원 수학부 연구원
   Researcher, School of Mathematics, Korea Institute for Advanced Study
• 2016년도 상산젊은수학자상 수상자 
   The winner of 2016 Sangsan Prize for Young Mathematicians


Title: Potentially non-klt locus and its applications
The potentially non-klt locus of a log pair was introduced to measure singularities and the positivity of anticanonical divisor. This locus is birationally transformed precisely into the non-klt locus on a anticanonical minimal model. In this talk, I explain basic properties of potentially non-klt locus in comparison with those of classical non-klt locus, and then, give some applications including a characterization of varieties of Fano type and the rational connectedness of uniruled varieties. This is joint work with Sung Rak Choi.


[해석학 Analysis]  이한주   Lee, Han Ju     

• 동국대학교 수학교육과 교수
   Professor, Department of Mathematics Education, Dongguk University


Title: Geometry of Banach spaces and norm-attaining operators
The celebrated Bishop-Phelps theorem says that the set of norm-attaining bounded linear functionals is norm-dense in the dual space of a Banach space. As Lindenstrauss showed, this does not holds, in general, for bouned linear operators between Banach spaces instead of linear functionals.
There has been a lot of effort to characterize the denseness of bounded linear opeartors from a Banach space X to Y. As Lindenstrauss and Bourgain showed, these are closed related to the geometric properties of Banach spaces such as uniform convexity, smoothness and Radon-Nikodym property.
Recently, a new quantitative property is actively studied in this topic. This is called a Bishop-Phelps-Bollobas property for operators. I briefly review some geometric notion of Banach spaces and present recent related results about the Bishop-Phelps-Bollobas property for operators.


[기하학 Geometry]  최재경   Choe, Jaigyoung    


• 고등과학원 수학부 교수
   Professor, School of Mathematics, Korea Institute for Advanced Study


Title: Ricci curvature and Riemannian manifolds
I will present a dichotomy on manifolds of nonnegative Ricci curvature.


[위상수학 Topology]  김현규   Kim, Hyun Kyu

• 이화여자대학교 수학과 교수
   Professor, Department of Mathematics, Ewha Womans University
• 2016년도 대한수학회상 상산젊은수학자상 수상자
   The winner of 2016 Sangsan Prize for Young Mathematicians
Title: Quantum Teichm\"{u}ller theory
The Teichm\"{u}ller space of a surface with boundary is the set of all isotopy classes of complex structures on the surface. It is equipped with a Poisson or symplectic structure, preserved under the natural action of the mapping class group of the surface. Quantum Teichm\"{u}ller theory establishes an equivariant deformation quantization of the Teichm\"{u}ller space, regarding the above structures. Namely, it replaces smooth functions on the Teichm\"{u}ller space by self-adjoint operators on a Hilbert space which carries the information on the Poisson structure, and to each mapping class group element assigns a unitary operator intertwining the self-adjoint operators. In this talk I give an introduction to this subject, and discuss some consequences, including mapping class group representations, 3-manifold invariants, 2d conformal field theory, and 3d quantum gravity.


[응용수학 Applied Mathematics]  천세훈   Chun, Se Hun     

• 연세대학교 융합과학공학부 교수
   Professor, Department of Integrated Science and Engineering Division,
   Yonsei University


Title: Method of moving frames for scientific computing
Scientific computing enjoyed unprecedented success since its emerging in 1950s. In modern times, it however faces many stumbling stones in computational simulations for the regeneration and prediction of natural phenomena. One of them is geometry in Riemannian sense. The world is full of curved objects made of anisotropic materials that are even moving at different speed and direction. Even state-of-the-art computational techniques are inaccurate and/or unstable, or at least very expensive for geometrically-realistic modeling. The only way to overcome this difficulty seems to hammer realistic objects and their trajectory into the projection of Euclidean framework. However, another breakthrough was achieved through a peculiar perspective of Elie Cartan who saw the world 100 years ago as a collection of infinitesimally Euclidean, isotropic, and possibly static objects. In this talk, I will talk about how Cartan’s unique geometric theory in the continuous world, called method of moving frames, has been adapted to the discrete world of computer to provide us an efficient tool and perspective to represent the geometry of the world, especially for meteorology, electrodynamics, and cardiology.


[이산수학 Discrete Mathematics]  서승현   Seo, Seung Hyun       


• 강원대학교 수학교육과 교수
   Professor, Department of Mathematics Education, Kangwon National University


Title: Integer partitions with prescribed successive rank parity blocks
Successive ranks of a partition, which were introduced by Atkin, are the difference of the $i$th row and the $i$th column in the Ferrers diagram. Recently, in the study of singular overpartitions, Andrews revisited successive ranks and parity blocks. Motivated by his work, we investigate partitions with prescribed successive rank parity blocks.
The main part of this talk is the generating function of partitions with exactly $d$ successive ranks and $m$ parity blocks. With this generating functions, we also present $q$-series identities including a truncated version of Euler's pentagonal number theorem.
This talk is based on the joint work with Ae Ja Yee.


[수학교육 Mathematical Education]  Robert A. Beezer


Professor, Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Puget Sound 


Title: Open software and open Textbooks for mathematics

In this talk, I will describe and demonstrate some recent technological advances for teaching and communicating mathematics.
Sage is open source software for advanced mathematics. SageMathCloud is an online, collaborative environment for mathematics, hosted in the cloud. A project in SageMathCloud is a full Linux computer, an environment for Sage worksheets, and a collaborative LaTeX editor. There is also excellent support for managing a course.
Sage may also be used within web pages, via the freely available Sage Cell Server, with no login or setup required.
MathBook XML is a new format for authoring mathematics textbooks. It produces print versions and online versions from the same source files. The online versions provide many possibilities for embedding interactive activities, such as instances of the Sage Cell Server. It is also possible to convert a MathBook XML book into a sequence of SageMathCloud worksheets.


[확률 및 통계학 Probability and Statistics]  김정심   Kim, Jeong Sim         

• 충북대학교 수학교육과 교수   
  Professor, Department of Mathematics Education, Chungbuk National University


Title: Performance analysis of polling systems with processor-sharing discipline
We consider a polling system with a single server and multiple queues where customers arrive at the queues according to independent Poisson processes. The server visits and serves the queues in a cyclic order.
The service discipline at all queues is exhaustive service. One queue uses processor-sharing as a scheduling policy, and the customers in that queue have phase-type distributed service requirements. The other queues use any work-conserving policy, and the customers in those queues have generally distributed service requirements.
We derive a partial differential equation for the transform of the conditional sojourn time distribution of an arbitrary customer who arrives at the queue with processor-sharing policy, conditioned on the service requirement. We also derive an equation for the transform of the unconditional sojourn time distribution. From these equations, we obtain the first and second moments of the conditional and unconditional sojourn time distributions.
This is a joint work with Bara Kim (Korea University).


[암호학 Cryptography]  김동찬   Kim, Dong Chan    

• 국민대학교 수학과 교수
   Professor, Department of Mathematics, Kookmin University


Title: 큰 정수 연산의 다양한 구현 기법
본 강연에서는 RSA, DH, 타원곡선 등 주요 공개키 암호가 사용하는 큰 정수 연산(덧셈, 뺄셈, 곱셈, 지수승, 법, 역원)들의 최적 구현 기법들을 소개하고, 연산 별 속도 성능을 제시한다.