♦ Contributed Talk: Talks are invited in any area of the mathematical sciences (Algebra, Analysis, Geometry, Topology, Probability and Statistics, Applied Mathematics, Discrete Mathematics, Mathematical Education, Cryptology).
♦ Special Session: Talks are invited in any area of the mathematical sciences, with acceptance at the discretion of the organizers. If your talk falls under the heading of one of the special sessions already listed, please contact one of the session organizers before submitting an abstract, as special sessions have limited time slots.
Please check the Scientific Program for the approximate schedule of Contributed Talk and Speciial Session.
Abstracts should be written in English and LaTeX sytle. The length of the body text should not exceed 200 Words (about 1000 letters, half of B5 size paper).
The official language of the conference is English; therefore, all abstracts and oral presentations must be in English.