Time (min) |
Sunday |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
June 30 |
July 1 |
July 2 |
July 3 |
July 4 |
Invited/ Contributed Talks (Slot G) 08:30~10:00 |
Invited/ Contributed Talks (Slot J) 08:30~10:00 |
09:00 ~ 10:30 (90) |
Invited/ Contributed Talks (Slot A) |
Invited/ Contributed Talks (Slot D) |
Break |
Break |
(30) |
Break |
Break |
Plenary Lecture 5 Zuowei Shen (Nat'l Univ. of Singapore) 10:20~11:10 |
Invited/ Contributed Talks (Slot K) 10:20~11:00 |
Opening Ceremony 10:40~11:00 |
11:00 ~ 11:50 (50) |
Plenary Lecture 1 Bảo Châu Ngô (Univ. of Chicago & VIASM) |
Plenary Lecture 3 Takuro Mochizuki (RIMS, Kyoto Univ.) |
Break |
Break |
Plenary Lecture 6 Takeshi Saito (Univ. of Tokyo) 11:30~12:20 |
Plenary Lecture 7 Minhyong Kim (Univ. of Oxford & Seoul National Univ.) 11:20~12:10 |
11:50 ~ 13:30 (100) |
Group Photo 11:50~12:05 & Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Closing Ceremony 12:10~12:30 |
13:30 ~ 14:20 (50) |
Plenary Lecture 2 Seung-Yeal Ha (Seoul National Univ.) |
Plenary Lecture 4 Shige Peng (Shandong Univ.) |
T o u r |
KMS Prize Awards Ceremony |
(20) |
Break |
Break |
Break |
14:40 ~ 16:10 (90) |
Registration 15:30~18:00 |
Invited/ Contributed Talks (Slot B) |
Poster Session
Invited/ Contributed Talks (Slot E) |
Poster Session |
FORUM "Organizing the Mathematical Union of Asia; Why and How?" 14:40~17:40 |
Invited/ Contributed Talks (Slot H) |
Poster Session |
(20) |
Break |
Break |
Break |
16:30 ~ 18:00 (90) |
Invited/ Contributed Talks (Slot C) |
Invited/ Contributed Talks (Slot F) |
Invited/ Contributed Talks (Slot I) |
Public Lecture-1 16:00~16:50 Kim, Hong-Jong (Seoul Nat'l Univ.) |
Break |
Banquet 18:30~20:30 |
Public Lecture-2 19:00~19:50 Christiane ROUSSEAU (Univ. of Montreal) |