We are pleased to announce that KMS (The Korean Mathematical Society) offers travel grants to support the participants of AMC 2013. See the following for more information about our financial assistance program. Your enthusiastic participation will be appreciated.
There are 15 special sessions that cover a wide range of topics in this conference. Each special session will receive financial support for two of its invited speakers, and these grants will be awarded up to USD 700 per person. Please note that the recipients of these grants are solely determined by the special session organizers.
Value of Award
- This is to cover the speaker's registration fees and travel and local expenses.
- The minimum amount will be awarded between the actual expenses as indicated on submitted receipts and the grants limit specified above.
- Each special session organizer will be responsible for the selection of candidates and application of grants. i.e. each special session organizer should choose two speakers among its invited speakers for grants, and then they inform the list of recipients to the organizing committee of AMC 2013 via email at amc2013@kms.or.kr by February 20, 2013.
For more information, contact the special session organizers or email us at amc2013@kms.or.kr
KMS also offers travel grants to support the participation of members of SEAMS at AMC 2013. Grants will be awarded up to USD 600 per person, and the total number of recipients is no more than 60.
Period for Application: 2013. 1. 1(Tue) ~ 2013. 3. 11(Mon)
Eligibility for Application
- Grants will be given to a member of SEAMS or a person who is recommended by one of the member societies of SEAMS. (NOT applicable to Singapore and Hong Kong)
- The member societies of SEAMS are listed below.
Cambodian Mathematical Society
Indonesian Mathematical Society
Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society
Mathematical Society of the Philippines
Mathematical Association of Thailand
Vietnam Mathematical Society
- Grants will be given only to those who receive no subsidy from any source.
- Applicants whose papers in Invited talk, Contributed talk, or Poster presentation are accepted for presentations will have favored status. (Preference: Invited Speaker > Contributed Talk Speaker > Poster Session Speaker)
Value of Award
- Proceeds from these grants can be applied towards registration fees, economy class airfare and lodging charges, and the minimum amount will be awarded between the actual expenses as indicated on submitted receipts and the grants limit specified above.
- To receive reimbursement for eligible expenses, each selected recipient of these grants is being asked to submit the following documents to the on-site registration desk located at the conference venue during the conference period from July 1st to July 2nd, 2013.
- Required documents for reimbursement are listed below.
Receipts: registration fees, flight boarding pass, airfare, and lodging charges
Passport copies (pages of personal ID with photograph and immigration entry stamp)
- Applications must be made through the online system.
- The application should include a curriculum vitae (with complete personal and contact details), the name and e-mail address of the chairperson of his/her department (or institute) and an abstract together with the name of the special session he/she wants to present.
- Advanced graduate students and postdoctoral fellows should submit a letter of (short) reference from the doctoral advisor or mentor professor.
Announcement for Grant Recipient: 2013. 3. 22
There will be travel grants for members of KMS without any kind of research grant. Proceeds from these grants can be applied towards early bird registration fees only, and only members of KMS without any kind of research grant for registration fees will be eligible. The amount of grants depends on the membership categories as follows.
Value of Award
- Standard Member of KMS: partial grants of KRW 100,000 will be awarded only to the first 150 registrants on a first-come first-serve basis
- Student Member of KMS: partial grants of KRW 70,000 will be awarded to all registrants
For those receiving financial assistance, the following statement to be specified on the receipt of the registration fees: "I received partial grants towards the conference registration fees (KRW 100,000 for standard members / KRW 70,000 for student members) as member of KMS without any kind of research grant."