Time Table

(CR) Cryptography

Session code
Title / Topic
(CR) Cryptography
Jooyoung Lee (KAIST)
Date & Time
13:30-15:00, 2일차 - 4/28(금)
Minkyu Kim (National Security Research Institute)
Time Presentation No. Presenter Title
13:10 -- 13:30 CR - 05 곽혜선 (Hyesun Kwak) A unified framework of HE for multiple parties with non-interactive setup
13:30 -- 13:50 CR - 06 황찬우 (Chan Woo Hwang) IDFace: efficient and secure identification for face images
13:50 -- 14:10 CR - 07 황인탁 (Intak Hwang) Accelerating homomoprhic encryption via level-aware key-switching
14:20 -- 14:40 CR - 08 김재선 (Jaeseon Kim) CPA-to-CCA generic transformation for lattice based KEM without random oracle
14:40 -- 15:00 CR - 09 조원희 (Wonhee Cho) Improved universal thresholdizer from threshold fully homomorphic encryption