컨텐츠 시작
제출번호(No.) | 0236 |
분류(Section) | Special Session |
분과(Session) | (SS-17) Geometric Structures and Representation Spaces (SS-17) |
영문제목 (Title(Eng.)) |
Optimal independent generating system for the Hecke congruence subgroups |
저자(Author(s)) |
Nhat Minh Doan2, Sang-hyun Kim1, Mong Lung Lang3, Ser Peow Tan3 KIAS1, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology2, National University of Singapore3 |
초록본문(Abstract) | We prove that if $n = p$ or $n = p^2$ for a prime $p$, then the Hecke congruence subgroup $\Gamma_0(n)$ admits a freely independent set of generators whose $(2,1)$ components are exactly $0$ or $n$. For the case when $n = pq$ for sufficiently near primes $p$ and $q$, we can require that such components are $0$, $n$ or $2n$. |
분류기호 (MSC number(s)) |
11F06, 11B57, 30F35 |
키워드(Keyword(s)) | Congruence subgroup, Euler totient function, Farey sequence, hyperbolic geometry |
강연 형태 (Language of Session (Talk)) |
English |