컨텐츠 시작



제출번호(No.) 0195
분류(Section) Focus Session
분과(Session) (FS-02) Quantum Computation and Information Security (FS-02)
발표시간(Time) 20th-D-14:00 -- 14:30
Additivity violation of the regularized minimum output entropy
Benoît Collins1, Sang-Gyun Youn2
Kyoto University1, Seoul National University2
초록본문(Abstract) The additivity question of the minimum output entropy (MOE) was a long-standing open question in quantum information theory (QIT), and it was disproved by Hastings in 2009. The result suggests that regularization process of MOE is unavoidable in QIT and would be highly complicated to compute. Indeed, very few results are known for the regularized MOE, and the associated additivity question is still open. We introduce a class of quantum channels whose regularized MOE is computable thanks to a generalized Haagerup inequality. Moreover, we present additivity violation of the regularized MOE in the commuting-operator setup, though it is unclear in the tensor-product setup. This talk is based on a recent joint work with Benoît Collins.
(MSC number(s))
46L54, 47A80, 81P45
키워드(Keyword(s)) Haagerup inequality, additivity problem, regularized minimum output entropy, commuting-operator model
강연 형태
(Language of Session (Talk))