컨텐츠 시작



제출번호(No.) 0219
분류(Section) Special Session
분과(Session) (SS-22) Enumerative Combinatorics (SS-22)
발표시간(Time) 20th-D-14:00 -- 14:30
Bijections on \( (2341,3241,2431) \)-avoiding permutations and related objects
JiSun Huh1, Sangwook Kim2, Seunghyun Seo3, Heesung Shin4
Ajou University1, Chonnam National University2, Kangwon National University3, Inha University4
초록본문(Abstract) The number of permutations avoiding three patterns \( 2341, 3241 \), and \( 2431\) is known to be the same as the number of inversion sequences avoiding two patterns \( 101 \) and \( 102 \). This sequence also counts the number of Schr\"{o}der path without triple descents, restricted bicolored Dyck paths, \( (101,021) \)-avoiding inversion sequences, and weighted ordered trees.

In this talk, we introduce \emph{\( F \)-paths} which are lattice paths with steps in the set
F := \{ (a, b) : a \geq 1, b \leq 1 \} \cup \{ (0,1) \}
that never go below the line \( y=x \). We construct a bijection from the \( (2341,3241,2431) \)-avoiding permutations to the \( F \)-paths. Moreover, we provide three statistics for each of the objects and count the number of each objects with respect to these statistics.
(MSC number(s))
Primary 05A19; Secondary 05A05, 05A15
키워드(Keyword(s)) Permutations, inversion sequences, pattern avoidance, lattice paths
강연 형태
(Language of Session (Talk))