컨텐츠 시작
제출번호(No.) | 0192 |
분류(Section) | Special Session |
분과(Session) | (SS-13) Geometric Group Theory (SS-13) |
발표시간(Time) | 25th-B-10:50 -- 11:10 |
영문제목 (Title(Eng.)) |
Exponential and intermediate growth of some free algebraic objects |
저자(Author(s)) |
Carl-Fredrik Nyberg-Brodda1 KIAS1 |
초록본문(Abstract) | I will discuss some recent work on counting the growth (in the sense of Milnor and Schwarz) of certain free objects. These free objects – free inverse semigroups, and free regular *-semigroups, respectively – lie somewhere between semigroups and groups, and have a wealth of combinatorial tools and tricks available to them, including word rewriting systems. This is in part joint work with M. Kambites, N. Szakács, R. Webb (all in Manchester). |
분류기호 (MSC number(s)) |
20M18 (primary), 20M05, 05C05 (secondary) |
키워드(Keyword(s)) | Growth, free semigroups, rewriting systems |
강연 형태 (Language of Session (Talk)) |
English |