

Guidelines for Authors

The Society publishes the Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society bimonthly (Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov), the Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society bimonthly (Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov), and the Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society quarterly (Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct). Please read the following guidelines carefully prior to submitting your paper to expedite its publication process.

  1. Paper should be prepared electronically using AMS-LaTeX with the following specifications:
    Width: 12 cm
    Height: 18.5 cm
    Magnification = 1000
  2. The first page of the paper should include the Title, the Abstract, and the Name(s) of Author(s), and the last page of the paper should end with the contact information of each Author including mailing address and email address.
  3. The Title of the paper should be clear and concise, specifically describing the content of the paper, and the Abstract should not exceed 300 words with at least one complete sentence.
  4. Lists of AMS subject classifications (please refer to the 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification on and key words and phrases should be included at the bottom of the first page of the paper.
  5. A PDF file of the manuscript should be submitted via the Electronic Editorial System of the relevant journal, which can be accessed from the journal's homepage. For other questions regarding the journals, contact the Editorial Board at
  6. The word References should be bold-faced with only the first letter R capitalized, and its content should be standardized as follows:
    a. Numbers should be styled as [1], [2], [3], ....
    b. First names of authors should be written in initials.
    c. Titles should be italicized for both books and journals, and names of journals and publishers should be in Roman font.
    d. All bibliographical information should follow the AMS database, MathSciNet, especially for names of journals.
    e. For journals, information should be in the order of the name(s) of author(s), title of article, name of journal, volume, (year), issue, and page numbers, with the volume number bold-faced.

    \bibitem{1} Jin Hong Kim, {\it On the topology of diffeomorphisms of symplectic 4-manifolds}, J. Korean Math. Soc. {\bf 47} (2010), no. 4, 675--689.
    \bibitem{2} J. H. Conway and N. J. A. Sloane, {\it Sphere packings, lattices and groups}, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1993.
  7. To expedite the publication process, papers should be prepared using the style files which are download able from each journal's homepage.

  8. Downloads of Style Files
    In order to maintain consistency of the style in this journal, all electronic submissions are run through our production system. Authors are encouraged to process their electronic files using one of the style files of the journals of the Korean Mathematical Society. All necessary files, including examples, can be downloaded from this site:
    Journals [LaTeX]
    Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society (updated Mar. 16, 2018) kms-j-sample.tex
    Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society (updated Mar. 16, 2018) kms-b-sample.tex
    Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society (updated Mar. 16, 2018) kms-c-sample.tex