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행사분류 | 국내 |
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행사명 | [경북대학교 수학교육과 집중강연시리즈] Introduction to sheaves on manifolds |
행사일자 | 2024-08-19 ~ 2024-08-22 |
장소 | 경북대학교 대구캠퍼스 자연과학대학 102호 |
링크주소 | https://geometry.knu.ac.kr/conferences/KNUMILS/Introduction_to_Sheaves_on_Manifolds/ |
내용 | KNU Mathematics Intensitve Lecture SeriesIntroduction to Sheaves on Manifoldsgiven byProf. Youngho Yoon (Chungbuk National University)August 19–24, 2024AbstractTBA LecturesAugust 19(Mon)
August 20(Tue)
August 21(Wed)
August 22(Thu)
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