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행사명 고등과학원 학회: New Methods in Groups Actions on Manifolds (Dynamical Group Theory III)
행사명(영문) New Methods in Groups Actions on Manifolds (Dynamical Group Theory III)
행사일자 2024-08-13 ~ 2024-08-16
장소 고등과학원
장소(영문) KIAS
첨부파일 __jpg_240813_dgt3_poster_R4_no_qr._1._1.jpeg
링크주소 https://dgt3.kimsh.kr

Dynamical Group Theory III
- New Methods in Groups Actions on Manifolds

 Aug 13 - 16, 2024
 Korea Institute for Advanced Study (Seoul, Korea)

Webpage and registration (by July 31, 2024)

Invited speakers:
 Collin Bleak (St Andrews)
 Lei Chen (Maryland)
 Thomas Koberda (Virginia)
 André Nies (Auckland)
 Javier de la Nuez-Gonzalez (KIAS)
 Yash Lodha (Hawaii)*

We would appreciate your interest! 

From the organizers,
Sang-hyun Kim (KIAS), Thomas Koberda (Virginia), Carl-Fredrik Nyberg-Brodda (KIAS)