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행사명 The 17th MSJ-SI Developments of multiple zeta values
행사일자 2025-02-10 ~ 2025-02-22
장소 Kyushu University, Kindai University
링크주소 https://sites.google.com/view/the17thmsj-si

The MSJ-SI (Mathematical Society of Japan-Seasonal Institute) is one of the international annual events of the Mathematical Society of Japan, which is featured by extensive surveys for young researchers and researchers in related fields, as well as exchanges with other Asian countries. 

All events at the 17th MSJ-SI will be held from February 10-22, 2025. The first week (February 10-15) will be spent at Kyushu University (Fukuoka) for `Lectures on multiple zeta values and beyond'. The next week (February 17-22) is devoted to a conference on `Modular forms and multiple zeta values’ at Kindai University (Osaka).


This workshop will feature a small number of extended courses on a set of related topics of multiple zeta values (more information will be posted on the above website).

Confirmed Speakers:

Francis Brown (University of Oxford, UK)

Chieh-Yu Chang (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan)

Seidai Yasuda (Hokkaido University, Japan)

Don Zagier (MPIM Bonn, Germany, and ICTP Trieste, Italy)

Wadim Zudilin (Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands)


This workshop consists of talks by speakers related to modular forms and/or multiple zeta values, which was originally planned to commemorate Professor Masanobu Kaneko's 60th birthday. Details will be updated on the above website.

Confirmed Speakers:

Francis Brown (University of Oxford, UK)

Chieh-Yu Chang (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan)

Yen-Tsung Chen (Pennsylvania State University, US)

YoungJu Choie (Pohang University of Science and Technology, South Korea)

Herbert Gangl (Durham University, UK)

Michael Hoffman (U. S. Naval Academy, US)

Kentaro Ihara (Kindai University, Japan)

Özlem Imamoglu (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)

Winfried Kohnen (Heidelberg University, Germany)

Toshiki Matsusaka (Kyushu University, Japan)

Yoshinori Mizuno (Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan)

Kiyokazu Nagatomo (Japan)

Takeshi Ogasawara (Dokkyo Medical University, Japan)

Ken Ono (University of Virginia, US)

Federico Pellarin (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy)

Michel Waldschmidt (Sorbonne University, France)

Shuji Yamamoto (Keio University, Japan)

Don Zagier (MPIM Bonn, Germany, and ICTP Trieste, Italy)

Wadim Zudilin (Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands)

Warning: Hotel scam alert: There is a hotel scam going around contacting people from the MSJ-SI conferences regarding accommodation. Please DO NOT reply to them or give out any personal information! We do not work with any international travel agencies and we will only contact you through the organizing committee.



The conference proceedings will be issued by Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics.



The Mathematical Society of Japan


Scientific Committee:

Masanobu Kaneko (Kyushu University)

Don Zagier (MPIM Bonn, Germany, and ICTP Trieste, Italy)


Organizing Committee:

Hidekazu Furusho (Nagoya University) 

Kentaro Ihara (Kindai University)

Yoshinori Mishiba (Tohoku University)

Yasuo Ohno (Tohoku University)

Koji Tasaka (Kindai University)