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행사명 FPSAC 2023
행사명(영문) FPSAC 2023
행사일자 2023-07-17 ~ 2023-07-21
장소 University of California, Davis, USA
장소(영문) University of California, Davis, USA
내용 The International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (FPSAC) is an interdisciplinary conference series, focusing on recent advances in algebraic and enumerative combinatorics as well as applications and relations to other areas of mathematics, physics, biology and bioinformatics, and computer science.  As the most important algebraic and enumerative combinatorics conference in the world, FPSAC's one-week annual meeting brings together researchers in the international algebraic combinatorics community as well as other areas of combinatorics and theoretical computer science, and links them with leading scientists from allied disciplines in pure and applied mathematics, bioinformatics and physics.

Date and Place:  17-21 July 2023, University of California, Davis, USA

URL:  http://fpsac23.math.ucdavis.edu